
Git repository:

NX Modules graph

findMany Routes

MonoloBack Documentation

  1. Introduction
    1. Context
    2. Versioning
    3. Good practices
  2. Setting-up your environment
  3. Getting started with NX
  4. Developing on Monoloback



See Nx Monorepo


We will be using semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)

Good practices

See monoloback-contributing

Setting-up your environment

Tools and programs used

Creating an environment file and the secrets folder

Paste this Template Environment into a .env file at the root of the repository and fill the missing data. Most of the data has been removed for security purposes. Do not hesitate to ask the team for help if needed.

Create a folder named secrets at the root of the repository and ask one of your coworkers to give you the files that goes inside

Getting started with NX


NX Cloud workspace

NX Cloud example PR

NX Cloud example PR Image